Chained Behaviors

Jacques CLAVEL jacques.clavel at
Fri Jul 12 15:07:55 EDT 2013


in my opinion, behaviors is simplicity. You don't have to deal with the name of the buttons (for example), just use "me". It is completely on the road of a xTalk language. Same things for nested behaviors.

Jacques Clavell

Le 12 juil. 2013 à 20:48, John Dixon <dixonja at> a écrit :

>> Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 10:58:29 -0700
>> From: ambassador at
>> To: use-livecode at
>> Subject: Re: Chained Behaviors
>> Nested behaviors simply extend the value of such a mechanism, at long 
>> last giving xTalk one of the most valuable aspects of OOP:  subclasses.
> Richard...
> I hear what you say, but does an xTalk language need to go down this road ?... or to perhaps put a direct way... Should an xTalk language be going down this road ?... What I am worried about is that there are a lot of people jumping on the 'open source' bandwagon... wanting to change things for what they see as improvement whilst completely forgetting that it is simplicity not complexity that has got xTalk where it is today...

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