Shoutout to Colin

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Jan 3 14:46:17 EST 2013

On 1/3/13 12:29 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Robert Sneidar wrote:
>  > There ought to be some kind of clause in copyrights where if a
>  > producer who is not the author or developer of something sits
>  > on it and does not produce a product from it within a certain
>  > time frame, say 5 years, the author has the right to reproduce
>  > it themselves.
> While I can appreciate the sentiment, I have to say I would disagree
> with this in practice.
> The most important element of intellectual property is the international
> respect for the act of creation, the recognition that the creator of a
> work has complete say over how it's distributed from the very moment of
> creation through a period of at least several decades afterward.

I read Bob's comment as agreeing with that. I thought he was saying that 
if a producer sits on a product too long, the original author should 
have a say as to what happens to their own work. I.e., the third party 
shouldn't be able to control/kill/squat on an author's creation.

If the rights reverted back to the author after a period of inactivity, 
then the author could decide whether to kill the product, sell it, or 
find another producer. As it is now, the third party gets the rights to 
distribution and the author is removed from the equation entirely.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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