pirate version of my book...

Ken Corey ken at kencorey.com
Sun Sep 2 18:11:36 EDT 2012

I have always had an inkling that the best way to beat piracy is
1) to give users a reason to keep contacting you (regularly upgraded 
2) making it /easy/, even automatic in your app, to contact you.

Both of which Runrev has gotten fairly right, at least for those of us 
on the dev track.

I wonder if that's why you didn't find bootleg copies out there?

Either that or Kevin's got a crack-shot solicitor in his pocket.


On 02/09/2012 22:17, Peter Alcibiades wrote:
> But do you think that there could be a case for a package of Colin's book
> with something like a Media for Android?  Limited, but functional, and a
> real introduction?  Because I found with relief that there seem to be no
> bootleg copies of Rev out there, at least not yet.

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