setting menuHistory by script not working

Terry Judd terry.judd at
Thu Nov 29 19:00:53 EST 2012

On 30/11/2012, at 10:45 AM, Terry Judd wrote:

> I'm trying to make 'preset' selections from a series of option menus by setting their menuHistory in a script.
> If I set the menuHistory from the message box it works just fine, but if do it from a script it fails - at least until I switch to another window, at which point the option menus suddenly update to their correct value (LC 5.5.3 OSX). Same result with the IDE active and suspended.
> Does anyone know what's up with this?

For now I'm using a hack that opens and closes an invisible window to force the menus to update, but even that doesn't work all of the time.


> Terry...
> Dr Terry Judd
> Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
> Medical Eduction Unit
> Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
> The University of Melbourne
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Dr Terry Judd
Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Medical Eduction Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne

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