LiveCode Player for 5.5

Ray Horsley ray at
Tue Mar 27 06:15:08 EDT 2012

Very interesting Judy and thanks for sharing this perspective.  I've gone back to 5.0.2 and even there I find I'm unable to build standalones for Web on my Mac.  At least the Windows version builds them correctly.

I've followed this thread closely regarding the broken player in 5.5.  Regardless as to whether users find it something which should be continued or something which should die it's wrong for the company to put 5.5 out there without letting the user base know the ability to build for Web is broken.  It's a major piece of Livecode in my opinion since Web is where it's at and build is what we do.  Rev's failure to inform us is especially inconsiderate in light of the fact that stacks saved in 5.5 can no longer be opened in previous versions.  This makes going back to 5.0.2 or earlier time consuming.

I was relieved when Benjamin Beaumont reported that "they would investigate" this issue on Friday of last week.  Ben, we're looking forward to hearing from you.

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

On Mar 26, 2012, at 11:00 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

> Sigh.
> It's unfortunately gotten to the point that every time some new gizmo is added to the "suite" my first thought is reluctance to even look at it, wondering 'how long will this be supported?'  On-Rev?  When will that stop being supported?  As long as DreamCard?  RevMedia?  the web plugin?  All of the third-party editors and stop-gap work-arounds and layers of complexity added to using Rev, er, LC?  Wonky/awkward non-xtalk-like syntax?  Commands that have never worked?
> My kids will be 11 tomorrow.  Here's an example of the exciting new world of online learning that they use:
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> Anybody still reading wondering why there's a lot of crap in online learning?  How much better this could have been as a revlet?  But won't be because nobody is going to commit public funds or even private time to doing the same curricular standards correspondence for a technology that, come rollout time, you come to find out had been abandoned by the company years earlier without telling you.
> WHY do we keep doing this?  Because Edu can't pay for what it wants?  This is part of the reason why.
> Judy
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2012, Ray Horsley wrote:
>> I'm in the K-12 education field.  Teachers are quickly moving away from downloading anything and their IT guys are even worse, sometimes setting up systems which disallow downloading a desktop app.  I hadn't looked at building for Web in a while but this is very discouraging to find it's gone.  I had hoped it had been cleaned up since I last worked with it, not abandoned.
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