DIsplaying PDF files in an LC stack

stgoldberg at aol.com stgoldberg at aol.com
Sun Mar 25 13:06:46 EDT 2012

A quick and dirty way to display PDFs in an LC stack is to create an image of each PDF page and insert each into an LC Image Area
You might also make use of the Marked Card feature for bookmarking.
Steve Goldberg
stgoldberg at aol.com

Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2012 17:11:06 -0700
From: Pete <pete at mollysrevenge.com>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>
Subject: Displaying PDF files in an LC stack
	<CABx6j9mpd2s5ED+WP_QatpTtUDwh_TtjNW-Jtp7uAZ-Kbjexyw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

In another thread, I've been soliciting advice about tools to use for Help
Text preparation and display.  One of the options was to go with a pdf file
and display it using revBrowser.  Been having some issues getting that to
work but even if it did work, I don't think it will satisfy my needs.  I
want to use the pdf feature of showing bookmarks in a navigation pane (like
the datagrid manual) and apparently that won't happen, at least on a Mac.

I could, of course, simply launch the pdf file as a separate process but
I'd really like to keep the help file within my LC stack if possible.  Are
there any other ways of displaying a pdf file within LC other than using
revBrowser?  I though I remembered seeing some sort of plugin but a quick
search didn't come up with anything.

I am still looking into ScreenSteps and WordLib.

Molly's Revenge <http://www.mollysrevenge.com>

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