LiveCode Player for 5.5

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Mar 23 14:16:00 EDT 2012

Mark Schonewille wrote:

 > I believe RealStudio WE does everything we can reasonably expect from
 > an HTML5 app.

Qualified with "reasonably expect" in terms of automated translation, I 
would agree.

Here's a nifty HTML5 app that's the sort of thing one can also make in 
RB for the desktop (and similar in some ways to your nice flowchart app 
made with LC), but I don't see anything in their WE which would automate 
such translation for the web:

Here's one that's reflective of the sort of multimedia techniques used 
in CBTs - easy to do in RB, but not translatable in WE:

Here's a painting program, similar to some I've seen made with LC and RB 
but again I've seen nothing on the BR WE which would suggest that can be 
automatically translated:

So I agree that it's not reasonable to expect an automated translation 
solution to offer much more than simple list and form views.

But I don't think that's going to suffice for the sort of stuff 
LiveCoders want from a one-click web solution.

 > It is funny that you consider HTML5 traditional already, but I do
 > tend to agree.

What I wrote was:

     ...RealBASIC's Web Edition seems like a very useful thing.
     But it assumes that you want to make a fairly traditional
     client-server database app comprised of list and form views.

I didn't use the word "traditional" to describe any specific version of 
HTML, nor even HTML itself.  I was referring to the useful but fairly 
narrowly focused range of UIs the RB WE can produce.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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