Setting script in object not working...

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Mar 21 21:38:49 EDT 2012

On 3/21/12 7:02 PM, Glen Bojsza wrote:

> when I try to set the script of the image with the following text in the
> field it does nothing (does not set the script of the image at all??)
> on mouseUp
>     lock screen
> if exists(img tempPlot) then delete img tempPlot
>     copy me
>     paste
>     set the name of the last img to "tempPlot"
>     set the width of img "tempPlot" to 727
>     set the height of img "tempPlot" to 255
>     set the loc of img "tempPlot" to the loc of btn locStripChart
>     set the lockloc of img "tempPlot" to true
> set the script of of img "tempPlot" to the plotZoom of stack "NM V1"
> set the tooltip of of img "tempPlot" to the tempPlotTooltip of stack "NM V1"
>     unlock screen
> end mouseUp

Sure looks like script limits to me. The above counts as 12 lines of 
script. There's a limit of 10 lines.

> When I remove the
> lock screen
> if exists(img tempPlot) then delete img tempPlot
> unlock screen
> from the field leaving the following in the field it then sets the image
> script AND when I click the image it generates the image expected?

After removing 3 lines there are 9 lines remaining, which is within the 

The "on" and "end" lines don't count.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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