App Rejected: Crash reports

Sergio Schvarstein sschvarstein at
Mon Mar 19 05:33:16 EDT 2012

Thanks Jaque & Dar,

I've sent the stack and the crash reports to RunRev support people at the same time than my original post to this forum and I am waiting for the answer.

I've made some of the stress tests Dar suggests during the developing process and I never couldn't make it crash. Actually I have no crash reported in Xcode from my app during the whole developing process.

I will try some more stress tests, but if it is really a random bug I feel I am in a big trouble, facing Apple and specially, facing my client. 

Let's see the support people answer.

Meanwhile, is there any event in LiveCode for detecting a crash ? Does the closeStack works when a crash occurs ?

Maybe I can detect at least in which card and circumstances the crash occurs adding some code to the closeStack event.

Thanks and Best Regards.

Sergio Schvarstein


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