how to read/write data on Android?

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Sun Mar 18 23:04:15 EDT 2012

I'm not sure but I don't think you have to set the default folder to
specialfolderpath("engine") pretty sure thats the default on start.

And since you area already pointing there you don't need a path to get to
the file, you might just try it as a relative file.

put URL ("binfile:" & "myfile.txt") into tData

Doing it the other way, I assume you've looked at the contents of tPath to
see if it makes sense?

after you set the defaultfolder to specialfolderpath("engine") you might
the defaultfolder
specialfolderpath("engine") to see if something strange is going on there.

Either way, if you can set the defaultfolder first and then just do the
relative accessing at least you will hopefully be able to test other
functionality while you sort out all the pathing issues.

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