Sqlite and performances in LiveCode

Pete pete at mollysrevenge.com
Thu Mar 8 12:33:51 EST 2012

Hi Trevor,
The properties you mentioned are both set correctly.  I tried logging
executioncontexts but everything looked exactly the same each time though.
 I also logged the line number parameter of GetDataForLine each time
through and displayed them immediatly after the line of code that sets
dgnumberofrecords and it showed the line numbers there twice. I'm
concluding that it's not something in my code, since the display is right
after setting dgnumberofrecords and there's only one call to it.

However, it's not really a big deal, the amount of time consumed in setting
up 12 lines twice instead of once isn't worth worrying about.  I was really
letting you know about it in case it was a known bug.

Incidentally, I was wrong on the number of lines in my datagrid.  As in
your example, GetDataForLine seems to get called a couple more times than
there are lines in the datagrid.  Theer are eleven lines in mine and it is
being called 12 times.


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 6:43 AM, Trevor DeVore <lists at mangomultimedia.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Pete <pete at mollysrevenge.com> wrote:
> > Hi Trevor,
> > I tried this approach in Livecode an it works great.
> >
> > I do have one strange thing going on which I hope you can help with.
>  There
> > are 12 lines in my datagird.  I put a breakpoint in GetDataForLine and I
> > see it being called 12 times followed by a slight pause, then it's called
> > another 12 times.  I've double checked my code and I'm certain I'm only
> > setting dgNumber ofRecords once.  Any ideas?
> >
> Not sure. I just tested the example stack by logging calls to the message
> box and GetDataForLine is only called 7 times for 5 lines of data. Not sure
> if either will make a difference but make sure "cache controls" = false and
> that "fixed row height" = true.
> You could try logging the executioncontexts on every call to GetDataForLine
> and seeing where the 2nd set of twelve are originating from.
> --
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Learning Systems
> www.clarify-it.com    -    www.screensteps.com
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