Spinning object animation

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 22:39:59 EST 2012

Hi All,

This handler change the frames of an animated
gif to simulate a rotating object, but is not
working as expected. One of these animations
moves in the opposite direction in which it
is dragged with the mouse... :-(

The user should click inside the image,  holding
down the mouse button and moving inside the
image from left to right or viceversa and
the animation should change of frames.

If you want to see this strange effect
download, for example, these gif images:

Create a new stack, with two cards and import
each image to a different card.

Now, paste the following script in the
stack script editor:

local tMouse,tLoc,tImageFrame

on mouseenter
   if word 1 of the target is "image"
   set the lockCursor to true
   set the cursor to hand
   end if
end mouseenter

on mouseleave
   if word 1 of the target is "image" then set the lockCursor to false
end mouseleave

on mousedown
   put 1 into tMouse
   put the mouseloc into tLoc
   put item 1 of tLoc into tLoc
   put the currentframe of img 1 into tImageFrame
   put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
end mousedown

on mouseup
   put empty into tMouse
   put empty into tLoc
   put empty into tImageFrame
end mouseup

on mouseMove x,y
   if tMouse = 1
      if (abs(tLoc - x) mod 12) = 0
            case (tLoc - x) > 0
               put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               if the currentframe of img 1 = the framecount of img 1 
                  set the currentframe of img 1 to 1
                  put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               set the currentframe of img 1 to the currentframe of img 1 +
               put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               end if
            case (tLoc - x) < 0
               put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               if the currentframe of img 1 = 1
                  set the currentframe of img 1 to the framecount of img 1
                  put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               set the currentframe of img 1 to the currentframe of img 1 -
               put tImageFrame && the currentframe of img 1
               end if
         end switch
      end if
   end if
end mouseMove

Thanks in advance!


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