RevMobile: Native controls

Guglielmo Braguglia guglielmo at
Fri Jul 20 14:04:58 EDT 2012

Hi Roger,

the library doesn't need any tweak, is the enclose demo test program 
that every body need to adjust for their needs (/I have written the test 
program for desktop and iPad because I use them; the library, 
fortunately, doesn't use any specific OS function/). :-)


/P.S. : Today I update the library to v1.03 (few new parameter in two 
functions and a new function to move file/folders) ... those who have 
downloaded v1.02 can download the new version./

On 20.07.2012 18:24, Roger Eller wrote:
> ...
> Guglielmo Braguglia just released an awesome DropBox Library, which has
> been confirmed (after a minor tweak) to also work with Android.
> ...

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