Slow write to sqlite on usb sticks

Terry Judd terry.judd at
Wed Apr 25 21:57:33 EDT 2012

We're finding that it's very slow to write even small amounts of data from Livecode to a sqlite file when the Livecode app and the db file are on a usb stick (the db stores a local copy of the user's messages as they are downloaded from a server). It seems to be something that is peculiar to the usb setup as it works very quickly when run from a hard drive (less that 1 second for 40 messages vs 20-30 seconds on the usb stick). Has anyone experienced anything similar and/or does anyone have any suggestions as to how we might speed the process up?

I'm currently downloading the messages (as xml), converting them to an array (from, to, subject, body, attachments etc.) and then writing each to the sqlite db within a repeat loop and then closing the db connection.


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