Browse tool. I give up.

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Apr 10 19:18:15 EDT 2012

Hi Craig,

My explanation won't help much, but maybe you like to know the reasons why it doesn't work as expected.

I HyperCard there is an IDE layer and a stack layer. Except for the stacks themselves, the IDE is written in Pascal (later C) and handle everything. The scripts in the Home stack don't get in the way. When you open a stack, HyperCard chooses the browse tool and if you want to change tools in your openStack script then you can just do that.

MetaCard was written like that too. The engine took care of everything and the IDE was minimalistic and didn't get in the way. You could change the tool in your openStack script if you wanted to. MetaCard opened with the browse tool as the active tool and you could change that to the pointer tool in a plugin for instance.

The Revolution (LiveCode) IDE is a different beast. It comes on top of everything, including the engine and the remnants of the original MetaCard IDE. In the past, after the engine set the tool, the Revolution IDE took over and set the tool again --maybe even 2 or 3 times. I believe there are a few bugs in the Revolution IDE that prevent it from setting the tool correctly. There were some issues with this in the past. 

It seems that RunRev has applied a hack to make sure that the tool is alwaus the browse tool (and not a watch cursor as it used to be for many years). After all scripts have run, including your own openStack scripts, the IDE chooses the pointer tool one more time, just to be sure.

You could move back to the MetaCard IDE. 

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 10 apr 2012, at 15:37, DunbarX at wrote:

> Thanks all.
> I figured this out too, though the explanation was most helpful.
> When I say "figured it out", I meant I tried sending the command in time, well, just because.
> In HC, the loading must be different, since one can choose, say, the field tool with a one-liner like I tried to do.
> There are millions of legacy habits that I have, coming from a HC background, that I need to reThink. Thanks again for the help.
> Craig Newman

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