experience Generating e-mail

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Sat May 21 17:56:27 EDT 2011

I  will say that sending multiple emails, depending on the smtp server, may be interpreted as spam. We had a tenant in our building trying to send email via Outlook and Exchange, using a group, not realizing that Exchange sent multiple emails. Early on the SMTP server for the ISP blocked all email  from their server for a period of time. 

Using BCC is the best way, and the way that any good list server does it, because it leaves it up to the smtp server to parse it all out. Still, too many addresses may still throw up a red flag. 

Maybe the place to ask about it is the support people for whoever is hosting the smtp server you use. If it's the ISP, all the better. If you can assure them that your list is an opt in list and they have requested mass mailings from you, they will typically make an exception in their spam firewall. IT guys like it when you ask first. ;-)


Sent from my iPad

On May 21, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Ronald Zellner <zellner at tamu.edu> wrote:

> If I want to send out a mass mailing I can easily put all the addresses in a comma delimited list and paste it in the "To:" or "Bcc:" window.  Or use my Address book to manage them.
> In this case I'm using it for a research project where each message needs different content related to the additional fields in the row, consequently, I need to generate a series of individual e-mails.

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