
Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon May 9 15:20:26 EDT 2011

--- On Sat, 5/7/11, J. Landman Gay <jacque at> wrote:
> On 5/7/11 8:16 AM, baccheschi at
> wrote:
> >   Perhapse..
> > Has it been a nonsense to ask if it could be possible
> to
> > perform ON THE WEB a  "resizeStack" ?
> I don't think it is possible using LiveCode alone. The
> stack is presented in a fixed-size window which can't
> change. There might be a way to do it with some fancy
> javascript and a web page reload but I'm not sure how.
> -- Jacqueline Landman Gay     

Actually, you can make a revlet resize based on the width and height of the web browser - I can't remember where I picked up this trick, but here it goes:
- create a new stack "ResizableRevlet" and draw an oval graphic on it
- set the stack script to:
on preOpenStack
  -- resizeStack isn't sent to the revlet at startup
  -- so we have to trigger it ourselves in preOpenStack
  dispatch "resizeStack" with (the width of me), (the height of me)
  pass preOpenStack
end preOpenStack
on resizeStack pNewWidth, pNewHeight
  set the rectangle of graphic "Oval" to \
      10, 10, (pNewWidth - 10), (pNewHeight - 10)
  pass resizeStack
end resizeStack
- play around with it first to make sure the resize works
- perhaps add some color to the oval graphic
- now build it as a standalone for the Web
- your web browser will open, but no resizing happens
- modify the file 'test.html' in the build directory
-> change the block:
	<embed type="application/x-revolution"
		width=400 height=400
-> to:
	<embed type="application/x-revolution"
		width="80%" height="80%"
- now open the test.html file again in your web browser
-> the revlet area should occupy 80% of the browser window and resize as you resize the browser window
-> it may flicker and/or temporarily show a gray or white area though, so use this technioque sparingly

However, if you want to resize this based on other parameters, I wish you the best of luck with JavaScript and HTML DOM fiddling ;-)


Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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