GLXFramework [ad] SpiceKit

Mark Talluto userev at
Thu May 5 21:08:24 EDT 2011

> On May 2, 2011, at 12:49 AM, Todd Geist wrote:
> I have just started working with it as well, and I spoke with Trevor about
> it.  I think that the docs are bit out of date.  So I would say yes that it
> is probably likely.
> However, I have managed to make some good progress with it and I am pretty
> out of shape LC wise having been gone since rev 2 something.  Trevor and the
> google group are very helpful.  And the docs do contain lots of useful stuff

Hi Todd,

The work with dealing with auto-updates, customer registration, copy protection, microtransactions, trials, customer tracking, credit card processing, servers to manage all of this, and other various tidbits can be a lot of work.  Over the years Canela Software has created all the tools to do this with an easy to use/understand API.  You can pretty much develop your app the way you want.  Drag and drop your app contents onto SpiceKit and it will flex around your development style and make the framework work around you.

We have used this technology on all of our applications with great success.  I will admit that the first couple of years of development on the tech was rough going.  Lots of users banging on it daily made it a solid.  We credit LiveCode and this set of tools in helping us to be the best in our industry.  We think others will find it beneficial as well.

If you are interested, there is a basic brochure available here:

I would be interested in any feedback you might have on this.  Please feel free to write me directly at and I would be more than happy to help you evaluate this service with your project.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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