How do you build the tabs like in the script editor

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Mon Jun 6 18:49:35 EDT 2011

On Jun 6, 2011, at 3:05 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> It's actually more like a menu. One of the caveats (at least in the  
> past, they may have fixed it) is that like some types of menus,  
> picking the same thing as you picked last time does not generate the  
> menuPick command, so you have to fudge it.

This is true.
It is like clicking the same radio button in a group.
If the user makes the same choice in a menu, since there is no change,  
should the menupick report it?

If you want that, then take steps to manage the menuhistory, like

--- simple test for menu buttons and tab buttons

on menuPick pItemName
    ;put   pItemName && the ticks
end menuPick
on mousedown
    ;put "down" && \
           line (the menuhistory of me) of the text of me \
           && the ticks
end mousedown
local  xLastUserChoiceForThisMenu
on mousedown
    ;put "down" && line (the menuhistory of me) of the text of me
    -- you can store the text of the last user action
    put (the menuhistory of me) into xLastUserChoiceForThisMenu
   --now you can compare each user repeat of a tab click
end mousedown
Hope this helps.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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