LC --> Website ?
Chipp Walters
chipp at
Sun Aug 28 00:15:30 EDT 2011
Automated code generators are more the standard than not these days for web
development. My company creates some pretty large websites, and with all the
elaborate tools for tracking clicks, managing SEO & SEM, jQuery, etc. it's
pretty much impossible to read the basic HTML and CSS (esp when CSS is
stored in multiple files).
Web development by itself is at least as complicated as application
development. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, php, SQL, custom frameworks, Google
Analytics, Apache server configuration files, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or
other CMS are only some of the things you have to keep up with to create
professional website these days.
That's why many do it yourselfers like online web design apps like
On Saturday, August 27, 2011, Timothy Miller <
gandalf at> wrote:
> Thanks, Chipp,
> I was misinformed. Well, to tell the truth, I made a semi-psychotic
inference. It is too bad. It would simplify my life. Yes, it would be cool.
> My website is a bit too complex for a self-serve website builder. I
understand drag and drop web-building apps tend to make really messy code.
> I'll have to find another way.
> Best regards,
> Tim
> On Aug 26, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
>> Hi Timothy,
>> The simple answer to your question is, nope. You can't just design your
website on cards and have it convert to a website-- wouldn't that be cool if
you could!
>> Websites are typically created from HTML, CSS, and sometimes serverside
scripting which helps fill in the dynamic portions of the website. Sometimes
database calls also need to be made as well.
>> You can use LC for the serverside scripting, but you'll still need to do
the HTML and CSS for the look and feel for your website. If this is all a
bit complicated, you may want to try some of the self serve website builders
available out there. Many of them require no previous knowledge of HTML,
CSS, or scripting whatsoever
>> Chipp Walters
>> CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc
>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 8:54 PM, Timothy Miller
<gandalf at> wrote:
>>> Hi Kee,
>>> I probably don't understand your reply. You overestimated my
intelligence ;-)
>>> Maybe it's LiveCode Server I want to know about.
>>> I don't know how to set up and maintain my own server. Probably a bad
idea to try to learn. Will others do this for me for a fee?
>>> Tim
>>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Kee Nethery wrote:
>>>> There is a stack from Andre that is a web server. You can hit it with a
get or a post and it will process whatever you have scripted and then return
a result. I run in on a port other than 80 because I don't want to disable
Apache (remember it is it's own web server). The big disadvantage is that it
is one user at a time. Command comes in and gets replied to before the next
command can come in and get processed. The big advantage is that I can run
it in the IDE and step through the code.
>>>> I'm attempting to learn LiveCode Server specifically because it is more
like a "normal" CGI. The commands come into Apache and Apache handles the
juggling of all the connections. More mainstream, more industrial, but way
less documentation and examples.
>>>> Kee Nethery
>>>> On Aug 26, 2011, at 6:09 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> I have a vague notion that it's possible to write LC stacks in such a
way that they function as websites. If I'm not mistaken, one or more
Internet Service Providers support this functionality. I think there's a
name for it, but I can't remember.
>>>>> Is this true?
>>>>> I've got a shabby looking professional website I put together using a
primitive HTML editor in some ancient version of HTML. It needs upgrading.
>>>>> I do know how to use LiveCode moderately well. Without much effort, I
could make a LiveCode stack that would look and act in the way I want my
website to look and act. I suppose it might be possible to make it all shiny
like a WordPress template, though I don't know how at the moment.
>>>>> Is it really so easy as that? Is it reasonable to suppose that this is
the simplest and most cost-effective way for me to upgrade my website?
>>>>> I've looked at alternatives -- professional website designers,
WordPress templates, drag and drop software. All present problems.
>>>>> What does hosting cost? Any important limitations or gotchas? What are
the chances the LiveCode method will still be supported five years from now?
>>>>> Where do I learn more?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Tim
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Chipp Walters
CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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