Error on uploading app to App Store

William de Smet williamdesmet at
Sat Aug 27 17:36:49 EDT 2011

Thanks for all your replies,

I am on Snow Leopard with XCode 4.0.2 and LC 4.6.3.
I also tested on Lion with XCode 4.1 and LC 4.6.3
Both gave the same error!
I also tested with just one profile and because it is my first app I don't
have any expired profiles.

What I am most interested in is settings like and how they need to match:
- name of the profile
- App ID
- internal App ID within LC (can this be anything or must it be

Can someone give me an example of that?



2011/8/27 Scott Rossi <scott at>

> Recently, Andrew Henshaw wrote:
> > ...the steps that work for me under Snow Leopard and xCode 3.2.6 are...
> >
> > 1.  go to member center and go to the ios
> provisioning
> > portal
> > 2.  create an 'app id' for you app.  This must be all lower case,  no
> spaces
> > and must match your internal app id
> > 3.  go to the 'provisioning' tab on the side and then to the
> 'distribution'
> > tab on the top and create a new profile for your app.
> > 4.  download and install the certificate into xCode
> > 5.  start run rev,  make sure the internal app id matches your
> you
> > used,  and the correct provisioning profile is selected.
> > 6.  compile
> > 7.  go to the compiled app and right click it,  then compress it into a
> zip
> > 8.  send the zip to Apple using the loader application.
> >
> > This works for me 95% of the time.   If it fails I usually go into
> iTunes,
> > organizer window,  delete all the provisioning profiles then re-download
> them
> > from the Apple member center and put them all back and that fixes the
> > remaining 5%.
> One other strategy to try is getting rid of ALL but the *one* profile you
> need to build your app.  In the past, having an expired profile present
> among your profiles could prevent the signing of an app, even if the
> profile
> had nothing to do with your app.  Not sure if Apple has addressed this yet.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, UX Design
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