Check out Jerry's new videos -- REV to ObjC -> iPhone

Josh Mellicker josh at
Mon May 10 11:52:49 EDT 2010

True. Even if I programmed everything in Xcode, exactly as Apple  
wanted, but reused my own C libraries I created in Xcode, they could  
ban my apps due to the repeated code (fingerprint).

They could ban a drawing app because, conceivably, you might draw porn  
with it, or for any other reason.


On May 9, 2010, at 7:40 PM, Brian Yennie <briany at> wrote:

> Josh,
> Except, if a tool like Rev were generating the code to paste in, it  
> would inevitably contain large portions of identical code across  
> projects. Apple could easily ban any app that matches those very  
> clear signatures.
>> On May 8, 2010, at 11:28 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at 
>> > wrote:
>>> Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:
>>>> RevMobile before it seems was going generate c# sources?
>>>> Strange choice as for me.
>>>> Main engine should go to C,
>>>> Some parts of REV project also to C
>>>> And GUI part of REV project to ObjC - Cocoa.
>>> This is forbidden by the new license. There can be no  
>>> translations. All work must be created originally by Apple- 
>>> specified tools.
>> Of course, if you pasted the C code into Xcode and built your app  
>> there, there would be no way Apple could tell the code was not  
>> written in Xcode. Text is text.
>> I've compared Revtalk and C a little bit and there are some code  
>> structures that are so similar translation would be easy (if then,  
>> switch). Chunk expressions are an example of something that would  
>> not translate, so there would have to be a special set of handlers  
>> that split strings and returned items, and in Revtalk you'd need to  
>> call these functions rather than using the stock ones to make the C  
>> output feasible.
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