why a popup-menu does not open at a new defined mouseloc?

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Sun Feb 28 13:00:14 EST 2010

G.Wolfgang Gaich wrote:

> I experimented a while with the mouseloc and realized that it's not true
> that the popup opens at the mouse location when you set the mouseloc
> with e.g. 'set the screenmouseloc to globalloc(the loc of btn "b")'.
> In the dictionary: 
> If no location is specified, the menu's top left corner is at the mouse
> location. 
> And I wondered why the popup command does not accept the new mouse
> location.

I just did a quick test and it looks to me like the engine doesn't use 
the new position until a user event occurs. This is what I did:

on arrowkey pwhich
   if pwhich = "right" then
     set the screenmouseloc to globalloc(the loc of btn 1)
     get the mouseloc
     popup btn 1
     put the mouseloc && it
     pass arrowkey
   end if
end arrowkey

Nothing appears in the message box until I close the menu (correct 
behavior.) Then the message box contains two identical locations, both 
where btn 1 is, but the menu was actually displayed at the old mouse 
position, as you reported. But if I step through the handler in the 
debugger, it works as you'd expect. I think that's because I'm 
generating user events by stepping in the debugger.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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