Inserting unicodeText into a unicode string? #2
richmondmathewson at
Sun Aug 29 07:09:29 EDT 2010
Imagine a field "fTX" that contains the text 'meaty chunks';
when I click between 'meaty' and 'chunks' I want to be
able to insert something there via code rather than via keyboard.
So, why does this not work; in the script of fld "fTX" ?
on mouseUp
select the text of me
end mouseUp
i.e. the text in fld "fTX" is not selected.
1. How can I get to a situation where when I click in a textField
containing text I get this:
1.1. the part of the string in the field before the place where I click
(or move my cursor) is selected
and put into another field (e.g. 'fBEFORE') and the part of the
string after the place where I click
(or move my cursor) is selcted and put into another field (e.g.
1.2. allowing me to INSERT text programmtically between the 2 chunks of
the string.
Something tells me (I dunno what) that I am not being screamingly
original and this must be:
2.1. Documented somewhere.
2.2. Have been done many, many times before.
2.3. I am just being 'plain stooopid'.
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