Spider-web chart

Björnke von Gierke bvg at mac.com
Sat Aug 28 06:28:02 EDT 2010

No, but i would imagine it's not super hard to do them, only somewhat hard. Basically it's cartesian with negative values, so you'd choose a zero point somewhere and then render the data onto that:

--code example

constant theScale = 2
constant theMidpoint = "200,200"

on mouseUp
   put field 1 into theDataPoints
   repeat for each line thePoint in theDataPoints
      put item 1 of thePoint div theScale + item 1 of theMidpoint, item 2 of thePoint div theScale + item 2 of theMidpoint & return after theResult
   end repeat
   put line 1 of theResult after theResult --close poly
   put return & return & theMidpoint after theResult --show centerpoint
   set the points of graphic 1 to theResult
end mouseUp

--end example

graphic 1 should be a (freehand) polygon with markercolor set to something more visible then light blue (which is the default), markerDraw set to true, and having sensible markerPoints.

for markerPoints I like to use a small x shapes:


I hope this can get you started into the right direction.

On 26 Aug 2010, at 11:04, Éric Miclo wrote:

> Hello,
> I've looked at the two Rev select chart libraries/tools, but I was looking for spider-web charts and neither ChartMaker or ChartsEngine provide something like that.
> Does anybody know a library that could provide such charts?


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