User Extensions/Externals

Graham & Heather Harrison crw at
Wed Apr 28 19:10:28 EDT 2010

Jacque wrote:

> For now, use a hard-coded file path specific to your Mac. Save the stack, close it, reopen it, the external should be available. This isn't a portable solution, due to the hard-coded file path, but it will let you continue working and learning. You can fix it later.

Fair enough, and I had gratefully established this from your previous pointers. But I am a magpie learner (and always looking for elegant solutions), so this seemed like a good time to chase up relative file paths. The explanations in the guide and dictionary references, like so many others, appear to have been written for people who knew it once and want a refresh. Still, I have no real deadlines, and I don't want an overflowing To Hard basket.

P.S. and OT, are random digests with every entry repeated, a common occurrence?

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