Standalone problem

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Apr 28 16:50:48 EDT 2010

Hi René,

Usually, only the first error is relevant. Sometimes, the other errors  
give you useful information, but most of the time it is the first  
error that made your script stop running. There are a few exceptions  
on this, e.g. if you run the stack in the IDE or if stacks are  
protected with passwords.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

We have updated TwistAWord. Download TwistAWord 1.1 at

Op 28 apr 2010, om 19:53 heeft René Micout het volgende geschreven:

> Hello Jacque,
> the first error is : 91,783,42 > 91 = Chunk (can't find stack)
> the second is : 125,783,1 > 125 = copy (can't find destination object)
> the line 783 of my stack script is : put empty into item 5 of  
> vtTableaudesFlux[vxKey]
> vtTableaudesFlux is an array witch is used 8 times before this line  
> and all work very well in stack environnement
> Thank you for help
> René

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