Standalone problem

zryip theSlug zryip.theslug at
Wed Apr 28 16:31:58 EDT 2010

2010/4/28 René Micout <rene.micout at>:
> Hello Jacque,
> the first error is : 91,783,42 > 91 = Chunk (can't find stack)
> the second is : 125,783,1 > 125 = copy (can't find destination object)
> the line 783 of my stack script is : put empty into item 5 of vtTableaudesFlux[vxKey]
> vtTableaudesFlux is an array witch is used 8 times before this line and all work very well in stack environnement
> Thank you for help
> René

Hi René,

I have no experience how Rev react to accents in a standalone but I
notice in your previous post that you use accent in the names of some
of your variables (vxMémoireAgencement, vxAgencementCodé).

In my experience accent and programming languages are not fully
compatible, especially during or after compilation.

If you have not solved your problem yet, may be try to remove all
accents (a quick find / replace could do the job with no effort).

Maybe it's not the problem, it's just a suggestion ;)

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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