Need someone with knowlege of sound files

Scott Rossi scott at
Fri Apr 9 02:49:25 EDT 2010

Recently, Fred Moyer wrote:

>> There is (for me) too much latency with using "play audioclip"...
>> But, for your project the latency is perhaps not important... ?
> Latency is very important. Is there some way to play sounds in
> Revolution without latency? For example, how does gaming software do
> it? Gaming software must constantly need sounds to be perfectly
> aligned to visual cues.

In my experience, playing imported sounds (ie play audioClip) is the fastest
of the sound playing options.  Sounds that are played through a player are
handled by QuickTime so it would seem more likely that any latency is going
to be audible here.  Another thing to note: the built-in sound playback
mechanism is very old and antiquated.  It only supports playback of one
sound at a time, and the sounds must be encoded using common "standard"
sampling rates.  Using a player on the other hand allows you to play
multiple channels of sound, at the possible cost of latency.

Because of the above, I usually recommend using audioclips for sound
effects, where timing is important, and players for background audio/music.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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