
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Apr 8 20:05:59 EDT 2010

Jerry Daniels wrote:
> I have trouble believing that a pre compiler is a problem. Any
> framework is essentially the same thing. RevMobile doesn't actually
> compile anything as far as I can tell. It creates a file(s) to be
> compiled by Objective-C, yes?

Yeah. Nobody panic. As far as I can tell, the rules haven't changed 
much, the team is aware of the limitations, and RevMobile doesn't break 
them. There is no interpreted layer in a built RevMobile app; Rev 
scripts go directly from RevTalk to binary. We have limitations on using 
"interpreted" commands in our scripts, and they won't be accepted -- 
i.e., we can't use do, value, or any parameters that aren't already 
evaluated before they're sent (see the revmobile docs about that. It's 
not as bad as it sounds.)

Kevin may have more to say about it, but I think the team is way ahead 
of you guys. ;)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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