rawKeyDown and Unicode

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 09:17:43 EDT 2009

'Tis michty queer:

This works:

on mouseUp
 set the useUnicode to true
 set the unicodeText of fld "BLURB" to the unicodeText of fld "BLURB" & 
 select after fld "BLURB"
end mouseUp

this appends the unicode char 2000 to my textField

BUT this doesn't:

on rawKeyDown RAWK
   set the useUnicode to true
      if RAWK = 0 then
        set the useUnicode to true
        set the unicodeText of fld "BLURB" to the unicodeText of fld 
"BLURB" & numToChar(2000)
        select after fld "BLURB"
     end if
     pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

this appends the ascii equivalent (i.e. rem 2000)

a richt scunner!

Any helpful suggestions welcomed with open arms . . .  :)

sincerely, Richmond.

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