Re: What's with the ¥ character?

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Tue Sep 15 17:00:36 EDT 2009

I know I should back away from Mr Horsley's challenge. :-)

The only thing I can think of is that the Yen character is not the  
same character in all places in your script.

With Japanese fonts, the Yen character is often displayed instead of  
the backslash character. (Perhaps on Windows only) So if you have a  
"real" yen character in one place and a backslash in another place,  
you may not get the results you expect.

I also wondered that if it were really a backslash character, it might  
have some effect on the following character (as in regular  
expressions) but I don't think lineOffset and filter are affected by  


On 15 Sep 2009, at 23:58, Ray Horsley wrote:

> I remember a while back experiencing the bullet character on the Mac  
> "•" changing to the Japanese yen symbol when I moved scripts to  
> Windows.  I hope this is helpful, but if not we can always ask Mr.  
> Cragg who knows Japan quite well having lived there on many  
> occasions :)
> Ray Horsley
> LinkIt! Software
> On Sep 15, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Lars Brehmer wrote:
>> May I'm wrong, but I think there is something odd about the yen  
>> sign (¥)
>> I have a pait of almost identical scripts  and each one is applied  
>> to a custom property. Among other things, the script filters the  
>> custom  property with a certain item.
>> In the first case, the item will be a letter and a number (a1, b2,  
>> c4, h3, p1, etc.)
>> In the second case, the item will be the same with a ¥ as the first  
>> character (¥a1, ¥b2, ¥c4, ¥h3,¥1 p1, etc.).
>> get lineoffset(line z in tText, the catsGrund of this stack)
>> put item 2 of line it in the catsGrund of this stack into tFilter  
>> -- a1, b2, c4, h3, p1, etc. or ¥a1,¥ b2, ¥c4,
>>             ¥h3,¥1 p1, etc.--
>> filter tempList with "*" & tFilter & "*"
>> put the num of lines in templist into fld ("tn" & z)
>> In the script applied to the custom property without the ¥ symbol,  
>> the script works. In the one with the ¥ sympol it doesn't work.  
>> Could this have something to do with how Rev deals with the ¥ char  
>> in a custom property?
>> I'm just curious, because I've already worked around it using
>> repeat for each line X in templist
>>     if tfilter is in item 6 in X or tfilter is in item 7 in X in L  
>> then put L & cr after zTemp
>> end repeat
>> It works fine and within a millisecond or two just as fast, but  
>> again, I'm curious about that ¥.
>> Cheers!
>> Lars
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