Best Practices Question

Bill Andersen andersen at
Wed May 27 11:55:31 EDT 2009

Richmond wrote:
> I do think what is needed is a "Rev for people carrying all
> sorts of confusing baggage over from other programming languages
> and/or environments" book.

No doubt!  I think Rev would be easier to learn if I had NO experience
programming.  I really like it, but I must admit, some of the "approaches"
taken are "too easy".  I can't figure it out because it is right in front
of me!

Not to start a flame war, but it is sort of like Mac and Windows.  I got
my first Mac in 1984 and started "thinking the Mac way" early on.  Then I
got a job programming on Windows (hated it).  Now, I use Windows every day
and have migrated to a different way of doing things (The MS Way!)

My wife uses our Mac at home and I have always had a Win machine.  This last
year, I bought ME a new iMac 24" (got her one too) for Chrstmas.  I find
I sometimes make things way to hard when I have to re-learn the way a Mac
does something.  I forgot how just plain "sensible" most things are on Mac.

I guess Rev is sort of like that.  (and sometimes not!)


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