Other stacks opening besides the one selected

Mark Stuart mstuart at adaptcrm.com
Wed May 13 19:22:26 EDT 2009

Written by Jacque:
You're saying these stacks open without any direction to do so?
Are they installed as plugins?

Correct in that these stacks have not been directed to open by a script
or a menu option to open them.
None of the other stacks are plugins.
This is the most unusual aspect of this whole thing.

I just reproduced the issue again. Here are the steps I took:
1) open RunRev.
2) File/Open Stack... select a stack. Stack opens.
3) open Application Browser. One stack listed, the one I just opened.
Close Application Browser.
4) In Edit mode, click on a push button and right-click/Edit Script. 
5) Script editor opens. I close it.
6) open Application Browser.

There are now 3 stacks listed. The selected stack and 2 others I've
created in the past.
None of these stacks are related to one another.
None of these stacks use 'start using...' in a script.
None of these stacks 'mainStack' property reference another stack that
has been mysteriously opened.

Using the 'Close and Remove From Memory' menu option does close each of
the unwanted stacks and removes the stacks from the Application Browser
list. I'm left with the stack I selected.

Puzzled :(
Mark Stuart

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