Q: dynamic usage of regex in a repeat loop

Franz Böhmisch boehmisch at animabit.de
Thu Jun 25 08:12:14 EDT 2009

Hello I need sth like the following

repeat for each line regexline in field "regexlist"
put matchText(einzelinserat,regexline,region,rooms,ground,price,remarks) into check
end try
if check = true then
end if
end repeat

with regex like
([a-z]{1}) ([0-9,]{1,2}) ([0-9,.]{2,5}) ([0-9,.]+)(.*)
()()([0-9,.]{2,5}) ([0-9,.]+)(.*)
()()(^[0-9,]{1,3}) (\d+) ([0-9.,]+)(.*)
([A-ZÄÖÜ]{1,3}) ([0-9,]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,5}) ([0-9,.]{1,5}) 
in the list.

Is it possible to make the matchtext part more flexible for allowing to find items not in the focus at programming time (without using evaluate ...).
in a kind of
put matchText(einzelinserat,regexline,variablelist) into check

Any ideas?

Regards, Franz

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