Hide Screen Furniture

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 11:50:53 EDT 2009

klaus at major.on-rev.com wrote:
> Hi Richmond,
>> klaus at major.on-rev.com wrote:
>>> Hi Richmond,
>>>> We have  hide menuBar   and    hide taskBar
>>>> but we don't seem to be able to hide the Mac Dock
>>> "hide menubar" will also hide the dock on OS X!
>>> Åt least it did a minute ago here...

see what I wrote about that in my reply to Mark Weider
>>>> the GNU Panel(s), Cairo-Dock, Avant Window Manager,
>>>> or any other item of "screen furniture" that might be
>>>> better tucked away whilst our stack/apps are running.
>>>> RR stacks running under GNOME will cover the Panel(s),
>>>> but they are unable to make Cairo-Dock or AWN go away.
>>>> Anybody "out there" with any bright ideas in this respect.
>>> Never heard of the other thingies :-)
> This statement is illogical!
> The past is finished so I cannot change it, unless Jaquelines
> "time warp" stack really works :-D
Who, Klaus, told you that humans are logical? And that language is logical?

Computers, also, strike me as increasingly illogical.

Be warned, the "thingies" you turn your nose up at today may well get
you tomorrow.  :)

>> as desktop Linux distros become more mainstream:
>> ...
>> (this one is particularly messy)
>> all guaranteed to get in the way of your 'Next Big Thing'.  :)
> You mean Steve Jobs' "next big thing"!
Poor chap (ouch, crocodile tears really); his "next big thing" seems to 
be a second-hand liver.
> MY next big thing is the next gig with our rock band ;-)
> See second link in my sig.
Probably a lot healthier than sitting hunched over a keyboard!
I hope the concert is a roaring success.
> Best
> Klaus
> -- 
> Klaus Major
> http://www.major-k.de
> http://www.major-k.de/bass
> klaus at major.on-rev.com
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