Generate bar codes EAN13 and others

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Fri Jun 12 03:23:33 EDT 2009

Josep, not sure what you are doing.  Is that you are trying to print bar code
labels, when you already have the fonts installed?

Or are you trying to use the bar codes by having Rev react to receiving
those codes?

To be a bit more helpful than simply asking questions, we use a word
processor or presentation package to lay out and print codes from fonts.  We
use free downloaded fonts, being very poor.  If we want to generate bar
codes in a font we don't have, we use kbarcode, which is a Linux
application, and this generates the font and also does label printing.  KDE
is in the process of being ported to Windows, not sure of its status right

As to which one to use, the main difference seems to be how compact they
are.  If you use 3 of 9 you end up with perfectly usable codes, but it is
rather spread out so the codes may not fit on small labels.  We use 128c for
small labels.

The only thing to be aware of when using fonts is the need for start/stop
characters to precede and follow the code, and they are different for Mac,
Linux and Windows.  It is an asterisk in Linux, an exclamation mark in
Windows, don't know about Mac. A code generation package will supply these.

The other small tip that might be useful is that if you are generating bar
codes, you might be tempted to ouput them as jpegs or some other graphical
format.  If you do this you can drop them into a word processing package,
resize them, do layouts and print them.  But they mostly won't work because
the graphics processing distorts the font sufficiently to mess up reading. 
At least, that was our experience, so we now either print directly from the
code generating package, or use a real font in the word processor.

We print labels on an ordinary laser printer.  

In terms of using them, we just use a wedge bar code reader.  The bar codes
are received by Rev as the corresponding human readable keyboard characters.

Does this answer the question at all?


Josep wrote:
> Hi,
> Any tip about generate bar codes from Rev? I downloaded some fonts to
> print EAN13. I need perform some calc or can I use directly with the font?
> What standard or generic bar code can I use? or is the prefered?
> Salut,
> Josep

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