Embarrassed Newbie
DunbarX at aol.com
DunbarX at aol.com
Mon Feb 23 19:07:43 EST 2009
OK. I get groups. And I see the additional flexibility as opposed to the
fixed bg object class in HC.
So how (without a repeat loop that places a group on every card) does one
place a newly created background group on every card? That is, if you already
have a stack with 5000 cards, how do you put your brand new group (bg) on each
one? All doc emphasis is that a bg copies its objects onto newly created cards,
not the other way around. I don't see a "place group yourGroup on all cards"
variation of the "place" command, though it seems there should be.
This was easy in HC, one just moved the object(s) to the bg, which already
exists, comforted to know you can access it at any time. Or not; groups as a
substitute for bgs in some ways almost seem too insubstantial, though they seem
powerful as local objects. Rev should have bgs as well as groups. It seems the
group concept itself requires more careful initial planning when starting to
design a new stack.
Do I write a library routine and put it in my toolbox? Or do I wait for
Jackie to tell me the obvious? And why I am wrong about needing bgs at all. I
wonder which would be faster?
Craig Newman
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