Subject: Drawing a curved shape - 2nd attempt

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Feb 2 23:20:12 EST 2009

Judy Perry wrote:
> For instance, every time the issue of how to play multiple simultaneous
> sounds comes up, you WILL find me lamenting the lack of HC's sound channels
> in Rev.  Guaranteed. I believe that it is a much better solution than using
> player objects.
> But I respect that Richard Gaskin likes player objects.  It's almost an old
> married person's discussion by now:  somebody asks, I complain about lack of
> sound channels, Richard points out you can use player objects...
> So, what's the difference?  Neither one of us particularly feels the need to
> call the other names.

I will start:  Judy, you're unmutual!


Actually, for the record this last go-round on the sound channel thang 
brought up some valuable points about the responsiveness of sound 
resources over sound files.

So I'm now a convert:  I now understand that there's actually quite a 
wide range of circumstances that would benefit from having multi-channel 
playback for embedded audio clips.

But I still think you're unmutual.

Be seeing you -

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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  Webzine for Rev developers:

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