Quicktime VR panorama movies in revlets

BNig niggemann at uni-wh.de
Fri Dec 4 07:49:20 EST 2009

Currently it is not possible to display panorama movies (VR) in revlets.
(Report #8294 in QCC by Jacqueline) Over on the Runrev forum Dixie found an
approach that I expanded on
(http://forums.runrev.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4479) and it turns out
it is a quite satisfactory solution, not as slick as native QTVR, especially
not cursors, but OK.
Jacque suggested I post the code that you put into the script of a player
and it should work for QTVR in revlets. An example can be seen here:

as usual watch for linebreaks
local moviePan,movieRotateH,movieRotateStartLocH
local movieTilt,movieRotateV,movieRotateStartLocV
local movieZoom, tTiltConstraintsLow, tTiltConstraintsHigh,
tZoomConstraintsLow, tZoomConstraintsHigh
local tConstraintsOfMovie, zoomLength

on mouseDown
   set the qtidlerate to 5
   put 0 into movieRotateH
   put the clickLoc into tClick
   put the pan of me into moviePan
   put item 1 of tClick into movieRotateStartLocH
   put 0 into movieRotateV
   put the tilt of me into movieTilt
   put item 2 of tClick into movieRotateStartLocV
   if tConstraintsOfMovie is "" then -- has not yet been initialized/first
   end if
end mouseDown

on mouseWithin
   if the controlkey is down or the shiftkey is down then
      if tConstraintsOfMovie is "" then initializeTheMovie -- only if not
      -- increases the responsiveness
      set the idlerate to 10
      -- lock screen because we do screen updates
      lock screen
      if the controlkey is down then
         put (movieZoom + 0.2) into movieZoom
         if movieZoom >= tZoomConstraintsLow then put  tZoomConstraintsLow
into movieZoom
         set the zoom of me to movieZoom
      end if
      if the shiftKey is down then 
         put (movieZoom - 0.2) into movieZoom
         if movieZoom <= tZoomConstraintsHigh then put  tZoomConstraintsHigh
into movieZoom
         set the zoom of me to movieZoom
      end if
      unlock screen
      -- set idlerate back up to reduce burden on cpu or set it here to be
      -- idlerate is the time in milliseconds between e.g. mouseWithin
messages beeing sent
      set the idlerate to 30
   end if
end mouseWithin

on mouseMove newMouseH,newMouseV
      put ((movieRotateStartLocH - newMouseH) * .01)  into movieRotateH
      put ((movieRotateStartLocV - newMouseV) * .01) into movieRotateV
end mouseMove

on updateMovie
   if  the mouse is up then
      repeat for each line cancelMessage in the pendingMessages
         if item 3 of cancelMessage is "updateMovie" then
            cancel (item 1 of cancelMessage)
         end if
      end repeat
      put 0 into movieRotateH
      set the qtidlerate to 50
      exit updateMovie
   end if
   -- lock screen cause we do 2 screen updates
   lock screen
   add movieRotateH to moviePan
   set the pan of me to moviePan
   add movieRotateV to movieTilt
   -- adjusts the max tilt to the zoomlevel, when zoomed out max tilt is low
or zero
   -- when zoomed in tilt is highest at the zoomconstraints
   -- this avoids that the user has to wait until  movieTilt comes down 
   put 1- ((movieZoom - tZoomConstraintsHigh)/zoomLength) into zoomFactor
   put tTiltConstraintsHigh * (zoomFactor +.07) into MaxTilt
   put 0 - MaxTilt into MinTilt
   if movieTilt < MinTilt then put  MinTilt into movieTilt
   if movieTilt > MaxTilt then put  MaxTilt into movieTilt
   set the tilt of me to movieTilt
   unlock screen
    -- put "tilt " & movieTilt && "zoom " & movieZoom && "pan " & moviePan
   -- just to not pile up messages
   if "updateMovie" is not in the pendingMessages then send updateMovie to
me in 10 millisecs
end upDateMovie

-- to catch mighty mouse scrollball and Mac touchpad
on rawKeyDown theKey
   if not (the mouseloc is within the rect of me) then pass rawKeyDown
   --if theKey is not among the words of "65311 65310 65309 65308" then pass
   if tConstraintsOfMovie = "" then -- was not inititalized by mouseDown
   end if
   switch theKey
      case "65311" -- left touchpad/scrollball
         subtract 1 from moviePan
         set the pan of me to moviePan
      case "65310" -- right left touchpad/scrollball
         add 1 to moviePan
         set the pan of me to moviePan 
      case "65309" -- forward touchpad/scrollball
      case "65362" -- up arrow
         put (movieZoom - 0.4) into movieZoom
         if movieZoom <= tZoomConstraintsHigh then put  tZoomConstraintsHigh
into movieZoom
         set the zoom of me to movieZoom
      case "65308" -- backward touchpad/scrollball
         put (movieZoom + 0.4) into movieZoom
         if movieZoom >= tZoomConstraintsLow then put  tZoomConstraintsLow
into movieZoom
         set the zoom of me to movieZoom
   end switch
end rawKeyDown

on mouseUp
   -- this handler refocuses on the player
   -- since mouseWithin is lost if during mouse movements with the mouse
   -- the cursor leaves the player rect and comes back.
   -- this restores mouseWithin messages so the shift/ctrl keys work
   put 0 into movieRotateH -- to reset in case a "updateMovie" is still
   put 0 into movieRotateV -- to reset in case a "updateMovie" is still
   put the mouseloc into aLoc
   lock screen
   click at 1,1
   set the screenmouseLoc to globalloc (aLoc)
   unlock screen
end mouseUp

private command initializeTheMovie
   put the constraints of me into tConstraintsOfMovie
   put (item 1 of line 2 of tConstraintsOfMovie) into tTiltConstraintsLow
   put (item 2 of line 2 of tConstraintsOfMovie) into tTiltConstraintsHigh
   put (item 1 of line 3 of tConstraintsOfMovie) into tZoomConstraintsHigh
   put (item 2 of line 3 of tConstraintsOfMovie) into tZoomConstraintsLow
   put the zoom of me into movieZoom
   put the tilt of me into movieTilt
   put the pan of me into moviePan
   put tZoomConstraintsLow - tZoomConstraintsHigh into zoomLength
end initializeTheMovie

Bernd Niggemann
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Quicktime-VR-panorama-movies-in-revlets-tp948484p948484.html
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