Datagrids with sharedtext = "False"?

Trevor DeVore lists at
Fri Apr 24 13:56:17 EDT 2009

On Apr 24, 2009, at 1:29 PM, LunchnMeets at wrote:

> So I now know how to load my datagrid. The problem is that I want to  
> have
> different data in that grid on different cards of the same stack.  
> Apparently
> I can't set the sharedText of a datagrid to false. Am I missing  
> something
> here?
> Here's a second question were there any other new features added  
> when v3.5
> Studio for the Mac was released? If so is there a list somewhere?
> Thanks again for everyone's time. I appreciate that the group is  
> available
> for support like this.

Hi Joe,

If you want to have different data on each card (I assume you are  
sharing the data grid across cards) then you would need to:

a) Load the data into the data grid on open card each time a card opens.
b) Create separate data grids for each card.


Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems    -

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