Rev 3.5 Dictionary--User contributed notes!

Andre Garzia andre at
Thu Apr 16 14:32:57 EDT 2009

if the links and a one line summary or title were on the dictionary then it
would be enough. It's easier to click and navigate away, but I want some
info there, just a link with a 140 chars description, if it works for
twitter it works for us.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Devin Asay <devin_asay at> wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:42 AM, Mark Wieder wrote:
>  Richard-
>> I'm with Andre on this. I appreciate your comments about the need for
>> moderation, but the docs are at least as much a controlled environment
>> as this list.
>> And Andre's comment about the need to have bug links is also very much
>> to the point. When I open the documentation I'd like to know if there
>> are things that just aren't going to work or if there are gotchas I
>> need to know about. It would save me much time as a developer and
>> would make the docs a one-stop shopping point for information. Kind of
>> like rolling the docs and bugzilla and a wiki all into one.
> While I don't want to see long discussions about bugs in the dictionary, I
> would like to see links to relevant bug reports so I could quickly click
> through to the report on the RQCC.
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
> Brigham Young University
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