Can Rev turn text to speech and record it?

BNig niggemann at
Fri Apr 10 10:16:47 EDT 2009

if you are still interested in an easy way to record text to an audio file
on a mac this applescript does it

set myDesktop to (path to desktop) as text
set myfilePath to myDesktop & "myRecording.aif"
set myText to "What to say, this is a recorded message"
say myText saving to file myfilePath
end of applescript

that gives you an aiff file though, if you want to convert into into a wav
file it is a little more involved using the Quicktime player. 

The export is actually quite easy but requires an export setting file for
the specifics of the wav file. 

In case you are interested I can expand on how to generate that. Once
generated you are fine.


Richard Miller-5 wrote:
> Is there a reasonably elegant way (on a Mac) to have Rev turn text into 
> speech and record it as a wav file... short of using the built-in 
> Revspeak commands and having a program like Audacity capture the output 
> from the speakers?
> Thanks.
> Richard Miller

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