Table inspector from 4W

-= JB =- sundown at
Wed Oct 15 04:24:06 EDT 2008

On Oct 14, 2008, at 7:43 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> But independent column alignment is so very central to so much of  
> what so many people want to build in Rev, and have wanted for so  
> long, that I believe we're at a point where it can be reasonably  
> said to be expected in the engine.  Much of what people need to  
> display are numbers.
> It's not just the 261 votes for that request that matter.  Those of  
> us using the product now are a small number compared to those we  
> need to see using it five years from now.  It's that much-larger  
> audience of newcomers who will need it most, so they can just drop  
> it in and move on to more interesting things like learning arcane  
> SQL syntax, and along the way gain the feeling that they couldn't  
> possibly use anything else because anything else would be too much  
> work.
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  ___________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at

I was tired and went to sleep for awhile.  I agree about the  
independent column
alignment.  You would always have to justify a whole column instead  
of 1 item.
And every time you resized the column it would need to justify it the  
column again
which would lead to big problems.  But it could be used in special  
cases where
the programmer does not want the user to be allowed to resize coiumns  
or the
rows are limited.  Another quick solution might be justify only what  
is visible on
screen and a little bit past or just use a paging system instead of  

But some of the other options would work real good for a lot of  
people and the
whole concept of making each item become as many different buttons as  
want will work too.  These things could open the doors to fields in  
new ways.

It needs to all be done by the Rev team with preferences that can be  
turned on
and off like other field preferences but it shows what Rev needs for  
the next
Revolution in programming and many parts can be worked in pretty easy.


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