Another stupid Macintosh Idea from Richmond

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Tue Feb 26 06:28:42 EST 2008

I have been having a lot of bother from the "crap" all
over my Mac desktop getting in the way while I do
things in the foreground with GIMP;
a wonderful, FREE program, that uses all sorts of
odd-shaped windows scattered across the desktop.

Short of using TinkerTool 

to disable my desktop, as well as going for a
jet-black desktop picture

[as I want access to my hard-disks via the desktop,and
all the recent bumf stored 'on' the desktop],

I did the following:

Made a one card, jet-black, stack with no window
decorations, set to the size of my screen resolution
and set to centre in the middle of the screen.

This means that I can hide everything without all the
hassle,and can access my desktop features via a window
manager (c.f. Screens for Leopard and Desktop Manager
for Tiger  )

Probably about the daftest use for a RR standalone;
but it does the trick!

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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