Getting things the wrong way round . . .

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at
Sat Apr 19 12:13:35 EDT 2008

> > ...we are preparing Mirye Runtime Revolution for shipment to Amazon.
> I'm glad to hear RR will have a presence at Amazon, but is 
> "Mirye" going to be tacked onto the product name like that?

In any marketing we do, yes. We have to differentiate something someone buys
from us from what they get from Runtime if they order directly from Runtime.

> "Revolution" is a fine name by itself, and with all due 
> respect I'm wary of the usefulness of trade names that 
> require a pronunciation guide (BTW, how *does* one pronounce 
> "Mirye"?  I've asked a dozen or so people and none can guess 
> with any confidence).

There's a pronounciation blurb on the very top page of the website. It is
"Me" as in "you and me" + "Rye" as in "Catcher in the Rye". It's a play on
multiple languages. Mirai is very meaningful in Japanese and roughly refers
to the future. "Mir" means peace in Russian. And our "Eye" is looking
towards the future.

Soon, we will be on the dollar bill, and the nefarious plans of Mirye
Illuminati towards world domination will be fully realized, if not thwarted
by some meddling teens or Nicholas Cage :-))

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Mirye Software Publishing

Mirye Community NING 

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