More on 'there is a file it' returning false for files w/ non-Western European chars

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Apr 15 22:47:11 EDT 2008

> ""Sarah
which tells me that the problem is
> Revolution, not the system.

It is very odd that not all accented characters
> cause this effect

I did a quick check and it turns out that these two characters are not high
ASCII characters (i.e. numToChar(129) to numToCar(255)), it's Unicode. I did
the same thing as Sarah, and named a file on the desktop "čů.txt". I then
ran this AppleScript from Script Editor:

  set tFile to choose file of type {"TEXT"} with prompt "Get a file:"
  get id of character -6 of (tFile as string)

This returned:

  {99, 780}

As you can see, the "č" comes back as two IDs, which is I'm sure why
Revolution is showing the same two chars. Try this with a <255 ASCII
character, and you just get the number:

  get id of character -3 of (tFile as string)



So while Script Editor can convert the combined chars back to the proper
character, Rev doesn't seem to be able to do that...  so it's still a bug in
that we have difficulty working with Unicode file names, but at least it has
an explanation...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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