Something handy

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Mar 8 12:52:49 EST 2007

Stephen Barncard wrote:
> After a hang, there is a FORCE QUIT item in the OSX dock icon menu. 
> Clicking and holding will reveal the menu. 

Even better, you can get the "force quit" menu item even for an app that 
isn't hung. This is handy when you know your app is in a loop but the OS 
hasn't figured that out yet, or when you know your standalone is about 
to do something destructive and you need to intervene immediately. To 
force a "force quit", hold down on the Dock item until the menu appears, 
and then depress the Option key. The "Quit" menu item will change to 
"Force Quit" and you are out of there instantly.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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