Dates: ISO 8601

David Bovill david at
Wed Mar 7 12:59:16 EST 2007

Hi Klaus - I was just thinking someone out there must have a ready made
handler as it is real common format on the internet. I've given a go below -
I include some info for reference:

A common use could be [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss]±[hh]:[mm].
> "1981-04-05T14:30:30-05:00", for example.

Two good references:


So it's basically dateitems with dashes a "T" in the middle and a "Z" or bit
from the internet time (UTC) at the end - not too clear on the timezone

> If the time is in UTC<>,
> it is very easy to show this. Simply add a 'Z' directly after the time,
> without a space. "09:30 UTC" is therefore represented as "09:30Z" or
> "0930Z". "14:45:15 UTC" would be "14:45:15Z" or "144515Z".
> [edit<>
> ] Other time zones
> Other time zones are specified by their *offset* from UTC, in the format
> ±[hh]:[mm], ±[hh][mm] or ±[hh]. So if the time being described is one hour
> ahead of UTC (such as the time in Berlin<>during the winter) the offset would be "+01:00", "+0100" or simply "+01".
> This is appended to the time in the same way that 'Z' was above. Note that
> the offset is the actual offset from UTC, and does not include any
> information on daylight saving time<>.
> Times expressed in local time for a user in Chicago<>would be "-06:00" for the winter (Central
> Standard Time <>)
> and "-05:00" for the summer (Central Daylight Time<>).
> The following times all refer to the same moment: "18:30Z", "22:30+04",
> "1130-0700" and "15:00-03:30".
So this seems to work:

function date_Construct8601 someDate
    -- ie "1981-04-05T14:30:30-05:00"
    convert someDate to internet date
    put word -1 of somedate into utcOffset
    convert someDate to dateItems
    put item 1 to 3 of someDate into dateBit
    replace comma with "-" in dateBit
    put item 3 to 6 of somedate into timeBit
    replace comma with ":" in timeBit

    return dateBit & "T" & timeBit & utcOffset
end date_Construct8601

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