Why Save the Mac Mini

SimPLsol at aol.com SimPLsol at aol.com
Sun Jul 15 22:12:09 EDT 2007

 My two cents worth:  We tried for years to save Hypercard, but Apple 
wouldn't budge.  Now we have revolution, which isn't better on all accounts, but in 
some ways it's lots better.  Maybe letting the Mini drop will enable Apple to 
bring out another model, not better in all accounts, but, in general, better 
for a lot of people.

   -  Mick (Collins)

Or maybe they will just conclude no one is interested and make the $1200 iMac 
the entry computer.
I know they did not listen to use about HC (lied to us, in fact). But I think 
that campaign started after HC was already dropped. Perhaps there is a better 
chance here. Worth a shot:


Paul Looney

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